CHANGELOG / DotA Allstars 7.04d

/images/emotes/1.pngChangelog made in rush so apes leave me alone.
Not the final version of intended design.
DOWNLOAD DotA Allstars 7.04d5
Fixed Culling Blade (Axe) threshold calculation on Spell Damage Amplification
Fixed Neutral Ancient Black Dragon's splash not working on neutral side
Tree Dance (Monkey King) now counts cooldown reductions when perching trees (7.03)
Mage Slayer Debuff now dispellable and pierces spell immunity
Parasmas Magic Corruption Debuff no longer depends on item cooldown
DOWNLOAD DotA Allstars 7.04d4
Fixed Consumables not stacking bug
Reverted Blink Dagger requires turning again
DOWNLOAD DotA Allstars 7.04d3
Fixed some Desynchronizations on hero pick
Fixed 15 level right talent on Rubick providing extra cast range
Fixed Sentinel side mid lane neutral creeps pulling
Fixed Snowball ignoring Linken's Sphere when reflected
Fixed Parasma and Witch Blade triggering on plural targets
Banning phase hero ban chance increased from 50% to 70%. Reduced VIP player ban chance from 100% to 90%
Now hero gets free Scroll of Town Portal on respawn
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Fixed tipping self on scourge side
Corrected Blood Grenade selling gold refund
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Fixed Wisdom Rune not providing any experience to whom activated it
Fixed for sure Dropped Divine Rapier not providing Spell Damage
DOWNLOAD DotA Allstars 7.04d0
P.S (7.03) means bug from old patch 7.03b2
Reverted default terrain theme for main map. Map with new visuals will be shared separately
Fixed Blink Dagger not interrupting channelings
Fixed Bloodlust (Ogre-Magi) not affecting sentinel side towers on Multi Cast proc (7.03)
Fixed Gnoll Assassins (Neutral creep) poison not applying any damage to target at all (7.03)
Fixed Bloodstone not working properly on Spirit Bear and Clones (Arc Warden, Meepo(only gains charge to primary hero while enemy near dead)) (7.03)
Fixed Ion Shell (Dark Seer) now can be reflected
Fixed Shadow Step (Spectre) not creating illusions properly for both side when reflected
Fixed Rubick could steal Blink Dagger's ability
Fixed Dropped Divine Rapier not providing Spell Damage (?) and corrected calculation
Fixed Remote Mines (Techies) cast point now can be reduced (7.03)
Fixed Witch Blade triggering on immune physical attacks target (7.03)
Fixed Eclipse Aghanim's Scepter Upgraded (Luna) couldn't be caster on target enemy (7.03)
Fixed Walrus Kick (Tuskarr) modifying model height on Dragon Knight form (7.03)
Fixed Arc Warden's Tempest having bonus MS of Boots Travel without having it in inventory
Fixed Disperser couldn't be casted on own units
Fixed Exorcism Aghanim Updgraded spirits attack increasing healing and spell lifesteal instead of decreasing of enemy
Fixed Spell Lifesteal Amplification not working properly
Fixed Spark Wraith Aghanim Updgraded (Arc Warden) not spawning new Spark if targed dead while hunting
Fixed Arc Lightning (Zeus) damage calculation
Fixed Lightning Bolt (Zeus) could not be blocked without having talent on AoE (7.03). Also now can be reflected even with talent on AoE
All passive items, talents and charges now count full cooldown reductions (7.03)
Added music Flying Steps We Are Eectric to the game. Command is -music electric
Added extra option for config file "GoodMinimap = wc3" to set old style
Corrected Trophy Dealer and Beggar Todd shop unit response sounds (7.03)
Shrines now regenerates only the team who activated it
Now Charge of Darkness and Nether Strike (Barathrum) stolen by Rubick always trigger Greater Bash (even Bara himself not learned Bash) which level depends on stolen spells level. Greater Bash won't trigger if Rubick affected by Break
-tip command no longer requires extras. its free now
Now magic reductions correctly calculated and shown on "Unit stats"
Unit stats now also shows: Cast Range, Cast Speed, Healing Amplification, Lifesteal, Spell Lifesteal Amplification and Spell Lifesteal
Now some item auras work on Tombstone zombies but icon not shown
Corrected Unstable Concoction (Alchemist) throw time from 6s to 5.5s (7.03)
Surge buff (Dark Seer) no longer can be slowed
Static Field (Zeus) no longer procs on Roshan (7.03)
Wrath of Nature (Furion) now can be blocked or reflected when directly targeted (7.03)
Poison Sting (Venomancer) duration now counts status resistance
Viscous Nasal Goo with Aghanim's Scepter now can be blocked and reflected. Empower Spell (Phylactery and Khanda) triggers on target which caught first by projectile
Updated Defense Matrix (Tinker) visuals and icon

Fixed next abilities which are applying debuff and damage to the target despite being blocked by Linken's Sphere buff (7.03):
Lich: Chain Frost
Morphling: Adaptive Strike
Abaddon: Death Coil
Oracle: Fortune's End
Dark Seer: Ion Shell
Dark Troll Neutral: Ensnare
Neutral Golem: Hurl Boulder
Bane: Brain Sap

Abilities that fire individual tracking projectiles at targets to apply the same effect to all units hit now trigger spell block and reflection independently. The following abilities have had their behavior changed:
Dazzle: Poison Touch
Lion: Finger of Death with Aghanim's
Gleipnir: Eternal Chains (It is now blockable and reflectable)

Abilities that can be unit or point targeted, but do not track their target when unit targeted can no longer be blocked or reflected. The following abilities have had their behavior changed:
Lion: Impale
Sand King: Burrowstrike

Abilities that can be unit targeted and displaces the caster are now blocked on ability cast instead of after displacement. The following abilities have had their behavior changed:
Huskar: Life Break
Sven: Storm Bolt with Aghanim's Scepter
Tuskarr: Snowball (no longer ignores enemy's Linken's Sphere) (7.03)
Tiny: Toss (no longer ignores enemy's Linken's Sphere) (7.03)

Wisdom Rune
Now as well grants experience to the hero with the lowest experience in the team
If the hero with the lowest experience picks up the rune, the experience is also granted to the hero with the second lowest experience
Grants experience even if heroes are dead but after respawn

No longer have vision when inside Roshan's pit.
Item auras no longer affects couriers
Health is replaced with attacks to kill. Courier dies after 1 melee hero attack, 2 ranged hero attacks or 6 creep/tower attacks
Courier can no longer be healed, regenerated HP/MP and gotten extra armor except fountain heal and regen
Fountain Buff now grants Couriers haste movement
Fan of Knives (Phantom Assassin) no longer triggers on couriers
Healing Ward (Juggernaut) can no longer heal couriers (even if buff exists on courier)

Couriers are now slowed by 15% while carrying one of the following items:
Enchanted Mango
Faerie Fire
Healing Salve

The next items no longer can be casted on couriers:
Holy Locket
Healing Salve
Hurricane Pike
Abyssal Blade
Force Staff
Solar Crest
Medallion Of Courage

The next abilities no longer can be casted on couriers:
Purification and HeavenlyGrace (Omniknight)
Soul Rip (Undying)
Aphotic Shield (Abaddon)
Shadow Wave (Dazzle)
Shadow Word (Walrock)
Chakra Magic (KOTL)
Bloodlust (Ogre Magi)
Fortune's End and Fate's Edict (Oracle)
Fiend's Grip (Bane) (bug 7.03)
Surge (Dark Seer)
Chain Frost (Lich) (bug 7.03)
Astral Imprisonment (Obsidian Destroyer
Demonic Purge (Shadow Demon)
Flaming Lasso (Batrider)
Alacrity (Invoker)
Cold Embrace (Winter Wywern)
Rupture (Bloodseeker) (bug 7.03)
Assassinate (Sniper)
Viper Strike (Viper) (bug 7.03)
Primal Roar (Rexxar) (bug 7.03)
Geomagnetic Grip (Kaolin)
Dismember (Pudge)
Corrosive Haze (Slardar)

LVL 25 Right Talent from +0.8 Heartstopper Aura to +0.5 Heartstopper Aura
Reduced Heartstopper Aura (Aghanim) self health regeneration as damage multiplier bonus from 0.6 to 0.4

Arc Warden
Strength reduced from 22 +2.6 to 20 +2.4
Agility reduced from 25 to 20

Ogre Magi
LVL 25 Right Talent from +75 Movement Speed to 17% (5% Illusions) Fireblast chance on attack
Grants Fireblast a 17% chance to passively proc on regular attacks
Multicast notes fully apply. Note: Linken can block Fireblast when multicast procs
These procs do not trigger the cooldown and work while on cooldown, and do not cost mana. Therefore, they do not proc on-cast effects either
The procs use pseudo-random distribution

Life Drain
Now turns to the target while Draining (7.03)
Now removes health instead applying damage himself when targeted at ally (so HP can be transfrered without counting Magic Resistance and blocks) (7.03)
No longer loses HP if target ally has full HP or MP (7.03)
Fixed not counting 20 lvl right talent on +25% Life Drain Heal (7.03)
Fixed visual lightning on ally outgoing from target instead of caster (7.03)

LVL 20 Right Talent from +25 Movement Speed to +20% God's Strength Status Resistance
LVL 15 Right Talent from 15% Lifesteal to -15s God's Strength Cooldown

Land Mines
Reduced minimum distance between Mines from 400 to 350
Units with flying movement now fully trigger Land Mines
Increased cast range from 100 to 200

Blast Off!
Can no longer be cast while rooted or leashed
Self-Damage is now equal to current HP instead Max HP, percentage reduced from 35% to 25% and its no longer lethal
Changed from applying silence upon impact to applying a stun on enemies upon impact
Stun duration: 0.5/1/1.5/2
Reduced damage from 300/400/500/600 to 200/300/400/500
Rescaled cooldown from 35 to 40/35/30/25
Reduced Blast Off! tree destruction radius from 400 to 150

LVL 10 right talent from Blast off! stuns for 2s to -5s Blast off! Cooldown
LVL 15 right talent from +300 Blast off! damage to +200 Blast off! Damage

Stasis Trap
Now disarms instead rooting
Now triggers on invisible units
Reduced activation time from 2 to 1

LVL 20 Right Talent from +100 Thundergod's Wrath Damage to Adds Lightning Hands
LVL 20 Left Talent from +0.4s Lightning Bolt ministun to +0.5s Lightning Bolt ministun
LVL 15 Right Talent from +350 Health to +100 Thundergod's Wrath Damage

Lightning Hands ability
Passively grants 100 attack range bonus
Successful attacks now passively casts Arc Lightning based on its current level dealing 50% (20% Illusions) damage

Frostbite (Crystal Maiden)
Reduced damage interval from 0.5 to 0.25
Reduced creep duration from 10 on each level to 1.5/2/2.5/3
Increased creep damage factor from 1 to 4

Dismember (Pudge)
Reduced creep duration from 6 to 3
Increased creep damage factor from 1 to 4

Wex (Invoker)
Reduced MP regen per level from 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 to 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5

Tree Dance (Monkey King)
Tree Dance now has 0 cooldown when perching trees if HP above 90%

Recoded all item auras
Fixed some auras and Heart of Tarrasque not working on clones(arc, venge etc.) and illusions (7.03)
Fixed some bugs with Guardian Greaves mp regen aura
Fixed Mango not provoding HP Regen on illusions (7.03)
Fixed Aghanim's Blessing could be consumed infinity (7.03)
Fixed Drum of Endurance Swiftness Aura not providing any effect on creeps
Corrected Drum of Endurance Updated Recipe tooltip and no longer interrupt the caster's channeling abilities upon cast (7.03)
Aghanim's Scepter consuming now provides all stats (it didn't while courier transferred it on hero with full slots, and from Roshan. 7.03)
Removed Tome of Knowledge from the game
Item auras no longer affects couriers
All regarded to Boots (which gives MS) items now in Cobbler shop
Arcane Blink Blink distance from 1200 to 1400
Armlet of Mordiggian removed from Trophy Dealer
Magic Stick moved from Ancient of Wonders to Cache of the Quel'thelan (Sentinel), from Tomb of Relics to Demonic Artifacts (Scourge)
Glimmer Cape moved from Beggar Todd to Supportive Vestments
Helm of the Dominator moved from Arcane Sanctum to Gateway Relics
Vladmir's Offering moved from Supportive Vestments to Gateway Relics
Gleipnir moved from Trophy Dealer to Arcane Sanctum
Solar Crest moved from Beggar Todd to Supportive Vestments
Now game notifies if any teammate buys Radiance or Midas exp: "Player (Hero)>> Radiance"
Guardian Greaves now can be bought by double-click on recipe
Ring of Regeneration increased from 1 to 1.25
Headdress HP Regen increased from 1 to 1.25
Divine Rapier, Vanguard and Skadi now also available in Beggar Todd Shop
Octarine Core and Perseverance now also available in Leragas' Storage Shop
Assault Cuirass minus armor aura now pierces spell immunity
Satanic increased Status Resistance from 10% to 15%
Yasha now provides 15% Cast Speed
Manta Style, Sange and Yasha, Yasha and Kaya now provides 25% Cast Speed
Changed Aghanim's Blessing Roshan ground model to better one. Also its added for Buyable Aghanim's Blessing

Added ground models for next items:
Boots of Speed
Helm of Iron Will
Void Stone
Blood Grenade
Gauntlet of Strength
Belt of Strength
Mantle Of Intelligence
Mask of Death
Circlet of Nobility
Slippers of Agility
Blades of Attack
Blink Daggers

Added new Soul Stealer passive ability
Gains attack damage every time an enemy hero dies while affected by Corruption
Max charges: 30
Charge per kill: 2
Attack damage bonus per charge: 1
Notes: Works by using item charges. Gains charges whenever a debuff enemy hero dies, no matter how
For clones, if the debuff was placed by the following units, Soul Stealer grants the main hero charges instead:
The Tempest Double
Wukong's Command Soldiers

When having multiple Desolators in the active inventory, only the one which has more charges gains charges
Grant charges to the last player who refreshed the debuff in case of Soul Stealer debuffs applied by multiple players
The number of charges is bound to the item, not the player. Selling and repurchasing the item does not carry over the charges
The number of current charges is visible on the item icon
Provides charge even if enemy has reincarnation but not while died on Wraith Form (Leoric Agha)

Spirit Vessel
Soul Shard Release (active)
Now also reduces targets Cast Speed by 50%

Ethereal Blade
Cast Range bonus increased from 225 to 250

Pipe of Insight
HP Regen increased from +8 to +9.25

Mekansm and Guardian Greaves
Now provides +1.25 HP Regen

Veil of Discord
No longer provides Mana Regen Aura
Now requires Helm of Iron Will instead of Ring of Basilius
Total Cost increased from 1525 to 2075
Magic Weakness (active)
Now also reduces status resistance of enemy by 25%

Helm of the Overlord
Now grants 40% Mana Regen

Arcane Boots and Vladmir's Offering
Now grants 40% Mana Regen
Mana Regen aura reduced from 1.5 to 1.0

Ring of Basilius
Now grants 30% Mana Regen
Mana Regen aura increased from 0.75 to 1.0

Pipe of Insight
Corrected Aura Radius from 900 to 1200 (7.03)
Corrected Aura Linger Duration from 0.3 to 0.5 (7.03)

Holy Locket
Now requires Crown instead Headdress
No longer provides +3 HP/s aura
Reduced recipe cost from 475 to 300
Increased provided All Stats from 3 to 7

Triforce Blade
Now also provides 30% Healing Amplification
Reduced Spell Lifesteal Amplification from 50% to 30%
İncreased Status Resistance from 25% to 30%
Now provides 35% Cast Speed

Parasma NEW! (Trophy Dealer Shop)
+40 Intelligence
+6 Armor
+50 Attack Speed
Witch Attack (passive attack modifier)
Causes your next attack to apply a poison for 4 seconds, slowing by 25% and dealing 1x your intelligence as damage every second
Magic Corruption (passive attack modifier)
Causes your next attack to reduce the enemy's Magic resistance by 20% for 4 seconds
These attacks have True Strike
Cooldown: 7s
Pierces Spell Immunity (While Witch Blade cannot)

Witch Blade - 2600
Mystic Staff - 2800
Recipe - 600
Total Cost: 6000

Witch Blade
Now cooldown triggers upon successfully landing an attack on an enemy (7.03)
Now cooldown can be reduced by cooldown reduction sources (7.03)
Attack Speed from 35 to 50

Blood Grenade NEW! (Black Market)
Increases Health by 50
Can be thrown at the target area in 300 radius by spending 75 HP. Enemies in the area will take 50 damage on impact, be slowed by 15% and take 15 damage per second
Can put up to 2 Grenades into a single item slot
Stock Max: 2
Replenish time: 180s
Duration: 5s
Cooldown: 10s
Cost: 50 gold
Cast Point: 0.2s

Boots of Bearing NEW! (Cobbler shop)
+65 Movement speed
+7 Strength
+7 Intelligence
+15 Health Regeneration
+20 MS Aura (passive)
Endurance (active)
Increases allied player controlled units in 1200 AoE endurance, granting 15% bonus MS and 50 AS. Effect lasts 6 seconds. For the first 1.5 seconds provides maximum movement speed and immune to slows
Cooldown: 30s

Tranquil Boots - 925
Drum of Endurance - 1700
Recipe - 1675
Total Cost: 4300

Does not interrupt the caster's channeling abilities upon cast
Does not share cooldowns with Drum of Endurance

Phylactery NEW! (Trophy Dealer Shop)
+8 All Stats
+200 Hit Points
+200 Mana
Empower Spell (passive)
The next target spell you cast on an enemy deals a separate 150 bonus magical damage to the target and slows them by 50% for 1.5 seconds.
Cooldown: 6s

Point Booster - 1200
2x Crown - 900
Recipe - 300
Total Cost: 2400

Khanda NEW! (Trophy Dealer Shop)
+8 All Stats
+200 Hit Points
+200 Mana
+50 Attack Damage
Critical strike (passive)
30% chance for Critical Strike for 160% damage on each attack
Empower Spell (passive)
The next single target spell you cast on an enemy deals a separate 150 + 75% of your attack damage as bonus magical damage to the target and slows them by 50% for 1.5 seconds. Has 6s cooldown

Phylactery - 2400
Crystalys - 1950
Recipe - 650
Total Cost: 5000

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